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Plainfield Road Needs Repairs

The Plainfield Town Board met March 14 at the Town Hall.

Supervisor Todd Lewis opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Highway Superintendent Rod Jennison reported that Mill Creek Road is shot.

Much work will be needed to return it to safe usage.

The 2022 truck is back from warranty service.

The Highway crew is still cutting brush as long as favorable weather continues.

Assessor John Davidson reports he is finishing up exemptions as the report is due April 15 to Otsego County.

In the paying of bills a $5,000 amount for Highway overtime was noticed to be charged to the wrong account. It will be corrected.

Lewis asked for a motion at 7:15 p.m. to enter into executive session and invited Rod Jennison and Howard Brooks to attend.

The meeting ended at 7:45 p.m. There were no minutes recorded as no action was taken, only a discussion as authorized under the Open Meetings Law.

Lewis resumed the regular meeting at 7:46 p.m.

Town Clerk Jon Cockett presented the report for February which showed total revenues of $15. The local share was $12 and $3 was the State share.

February minutes were approved.

The Town is still waiting for Bassett Healthcare to clear Crystal Ferguson to become Town health officer.

A letter was received from attorney Cory Schoonmaker advising the lawsuit from Mr. Lewandrowski has been dismissed on appeal. ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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