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Paving Finished In Plainfield

A Public Hearing and Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board were July 13 in the Town Hall.

A Public Hearing was held concerning the Opt-Out Law for Solar Project Real Estate Taxes. The proposed law was presented, discussed and approved by the Board.

Assessor John Davidson reported there was one grievance. The final roll is done.

There are some splits and transfers to be done. Then he will begin doing a full market analysis to prepare for an assessment update.

Highway Superintendent Rod Jennison reported they have finished paving. The shoulders are not finished.

He requested a change be made to the fuel contract, changing it to the county bid starting Aug. 1, ending July 31, 2024.

The request was approved by the Board.

The June 2023 Town Clerk reports, Minutes and Abstracts were all presented and approved by the Board.

The Snow and Ice contract has not been accepted at this point.

Replacement and payment of the cellular communicator for the fire system was discussed and approved by the Board.

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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