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Park Receives New Sidewalks

The Village of Clinton Board met Monday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution opening the 2022 Stormwater Annual Report Public Hearing. The Board approved a resolution auditing vouchers. The Board approved a resolution accepting the Finance Committee report.

The Department of Public Works reported it removed 12 loads of trash weighing 21.25 tons at a total cost of $1,362.10. Twenty-five tires and five Christmas trees were removed. Ten loads of mixed yard waste were removed. Two loads of metal weighing 1.6 tons were recycled for $321.26.

Park maintenance is continuing with cleaning and topsoiling. Sidewalks around the fountain were pulled to pour new sidewalks.

Street maintenance is ongoing with cold patching potholes. Fifteen catch basins were cleaned. A plugged sewer on Dwight Avenue was jetted. Two street signs were replaced on Fountain Street.

The Water Department pumped 15,474,800 total gallons in April, averaging…

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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