The May meeting of the Marshall Town Board was called to order with the Pledge, followed by the acceptance of the minutes of the April 11 Board meeting.
Following that, the Board resolved to appoint Colleen Baldwin, who has been serving as Deputy Supervisor, as Acting Supervisor after the resignation of Jack Buschmann, former Supervisor. She will continue until the November election, when whoever wins that election will fill out the two years remaining in Buschmann’s term.
There were no guests at the meeting. Also, there was no Planning Board report, as there are only two people who have agreed to serve.
The Zoning Board of Appeals has not met, nor has the Comprehensive Review Committee, so there was no report from those two committees.
Councilmember Ken Ford told the Board the Comprehensive Review Committee has turned its attention to cell towers. Not that any are being considered for the Town but it’s good to be proactive, he said.
The Assessors did not submit a report, but Councilmember Robert Blunt mentioned that a discount on the town’s property taxes may be available to firemen and first responders. It would be the Assessor’s role to implement that and present it to the Board for approval.
Doreen Falin, secretary/treasurer for the Fire Commissioners, will supply Kathy Fitzgerald, assessor, with names of fire department members who qualify.
The report from Codes Enforcement Officer Gary Shreppel was read aloud by Baldwin. He approved three permits in April.
He also issued Orders to Remedy to Dan Williams for properties on 6963 VanHyning Road for non-conforming use of land and conducting a business in an agricultural zone. There are 60 days from the date the orders were submitted to comply.
Board members will contact the CEO about a starting and ending date on the Order to Remedy.
Shreppel also dealt…