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West Winfield Star

New Services Provided

The Madison County Rural Health Council, a non-profit organization in Cazenovia, has received funding from Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield to provide End-of-Life-Doula services to residents of Madison and Oneida counties.

MCRHC Executive Director Christine Paul said, “We look forward to providing End-of- Life Doulas to our community to provide support during a difficult time.”

MCRHC’s first step was to interview community members interested in becoming trained as End-of- Life Doulas.

The role of End-of-Life Doulas are “to provide companionship, comfort, and guidance to those facing a terminal illness or death.’’

Those facing terminal illness or death should have opportunities to take an active part in their end of life care planning, as much as possible.

End-of-life Doulas can provide support to the dying person by speaking openly about dying, explaining the signs and symptoms of the dying process.

They help to process emotions for all involved, assisting with physical and

practical care to ease the burden on caregivers, exploring their life and legacy, and talking about creating an advanced care directive.

The selected training candidates will attend a comprehensive training provided by INELDA.

After the ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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