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New Board Member Sworn In For Winfield

The Town of Winfield Board met Wednesday evening to discuss new business.

The Board held a short discussion about email addresses. The Board held a discussion about the Town snowplow scheduling and a need for drivers.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the November meeting minutes.

Robert Royce was sworn-in as a Board member.

The Board approved a resolution renewing Jim Freco as town Assessor.

The board approved a resolution accepting the Dog Control Officer’s report.

Town of Winfield Highway Supervisor Paul Jones held a discussion with the Board about increasing pay for the Highway Department employees. Jones said all he would want for himself for was a Supervisor's Truck, but his workers needed an increase in their hourly rates.

The Board asked Jones to return to the Board with competitive hourly rates of other local municipalities so the Board would have a good idea of a fair-wage offering. They also requested from Jones a quote for the type of truck he would need for his duties as Highway Superintendent.

The Town is still searching for a new Codes/Zoning Officer.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Fire Truck contract with the Village of West Winfield.

The Board held a discussion about the purchase of bleachers for the Winfield Memorial Town Park. The Optimist Club has asked to help contribute to the project.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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