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By Janet Dangler

Moratoriums In Marshall Proposed For Extensions

The April 12 Marshall Town Board meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, approval of the minutes of the March 8 meeting, and recognition of guests.

David Yablon indicated an interest in joining the Planning Board. Jamie McNair, who is on the Comprehensive Review Committee which has undertaken a lot of the Planning Board’s work in the absence of a Planning Board Chairperson, agreed that keeping the Planning Board would be the best idea and makes sense, calling it “prudent.”

However, he is the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals as well. He said he would be glad to continue with the Committee on a part-time basis, he has no interest, nor has he the time, to serve on two Boards. Therefore, the five-member Planning Board would need two more members to make up a quorum.

Anyone interested should contact Town Supervisor Jack Buschmann. The Board resolved to approve Yablon to the Planning Board.

McNair gave the report on the ZBA. They had no issues the last meeting, he said, but they are working on getting some maps.

Debbie Zwiefel, Board member, said she is particularly interested in finding out if the Town has a 100-year flood plain boundary map.

Town Attorney Bill Getman said the County Planning has sets of flood plain maps, and stated they are prepared by FEMA. Getman has a set in his possession but is not certain they are current…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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