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MM Middle School Tests See Increased Results

The Mount Markham Board of Education met Tuesday night to discuss new business.

MM Middle School Principal Shawn Carone gave a presentation reviewing the previous school year.

Carone said test results have not been received yet, but 75% of students received at least two high school credits in AP classes.

The Bronze, Silver, and Gold recognitions increased 21% with Bronze recognitions increasing 53%.

A total of 654 academic awards were distributed for the 2023-24 school year.

Carone said assemblies scheduled before vacation days has driven up attendance for days students who previously wouldn't attend.

Carone said course failure rate was lowered 9.7%.

Advisement periods and other offerings for help have increased student engagement.

Literacy skills and raising the independent reading level of students has increased because of additional AIS services.

Last year had an average daily attendance rate of 93.7%.

Chronic absenteeism rate improved to 20% from 40% a few years ago, according to Carone.

The Board held a discussion with Carone about parent- teacher conference attendance, and AIS support services.

Michael Rossi gave a presentation to the Board about the previous fiscal year's audit findings.

Rossi said the MMCSD received an unmodified opinion with no material weaknesses and no significant deficiencies.

Rossi said the General Fund total asset fund balance is $15 million.

Rossi went through a review of the different fund balances and their current amounts. The internal controls over financial auditing is an excellent rating and clean opinion.

The District was given a clean opinion on grant expenditures and timeline of funds used. MMCSD was named a low-risk auditee.

The extra classrooms activities fund received a qualified opinion.

Boardmember Tom Huxtable asked if expenses would be covered by state aid and property tax income, Rossi replied he doubted those streams of income would cover the total expenses without grants.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the results of Westin & Co. audit.

The Board approved a resolution approving Dominic Mauro as the Food Service Consultant.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the agreement between


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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