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Marshall Sets Summer Rec Guidelines

The May Marshall Town Board meeting opened with the approval of the April 14 meeting minutes.

Eric Schachtler, owner of Schachtler Stone Products, asked what is needed to set up as a vendor for the Town of Marshall. Highway Superintendent Bob Welch would like to purchase gravel from the mine.

Town Supervisor Jack Buschmann said as Schachtler is already regulated by the state, nothing further needs to be done except submit the invoice.

Schachtler said he wanted the minutes of the meeting where Attorney Vincent Rossi was hired to appeal the mining case. Town Clerk Mary Blunt stated there are no minutes.

Town Attorney Getman said Rossi had filed the appeal directly following the verdict. This was for clarification of the Court’s decision.

Marissa Roberts, who was the director of the summer recreation program in 2019, spoke. She and Councilperson Colleen Baldwin, who is in charge of the program, said this summer, the children will meet at 8:30 a.m. at the Town Hall and take the bus to Waterville for summer school, which is optional.

They will be done at 11:45 a.m. and be bused back to the Town Hall. Lunches will be provided for those students. This applies to grades K-5 only.

The school will deliver food when they bring the children back. Whoever is the director of the program will do a head count of how many need lunches, other than those going to summer school, and they will most likely be provided from Waterville.

Roberts estimated around 38 children were enrolled in the Summer Recreation program in 2019, the last time it was offered.

Baldwin recommended that the summer recreation run from 12 to 3 p.m. except Fridays, when there is no summer school. On Friday the program will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be no field trips, as no busing is allowed.

The program will begin July 5 and run until the first week in August, five days a week. Children from the ages of 5 to 13 can attend.

The program is opened to Town of Marshall residents, but those…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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