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Marshall Residents Upset About Impact Of Business

The October Board meeting of the Town of Marshall opened with a public hearing on the Community Development Block Grant.

This grant assists low and moderate income homeowners with upgrading their residences. The grant has helped 23 homeowners with repairs in the past.

The purpose of the public hearing was to discuss the submission of an application for another grant for the 2021 funding year. More names added to the waiting list will help the town to get the grant.

People are encouraged to contact either Town Clerk Mary Blunt or Town Supervisor Jack Buschmann with questions or applications.

There were no comments about the CDBG, other than an inquiry about getting the word out, so the hearing was closed at 7:04.

The next public hearing was regarding the preliminary budget. Anyone with questions or concerns about the budget was urged to speak up. That hearing was closed quickly as well, after there were no comments.

The first guest to speak was Eric Schachtler, CEO of Schachtler Stone Products. He shared with the board, and then read aloud, a letter he had written to the Town Board regarding continued appeals to Judge Bernadette Clark about the operation of the mine he operates off Shanley Road.

He stated in his letter that further appeals of the matter only served to spend taxpayer money and to expose the Town to liability, and asked that they be withdrawn. He has obtained the proper permits and therefore is operating…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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