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Marshall Remains Under Water Control Warning

By Janet Dangler

The Town of Marshall Board meeting Oct. 11 opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board members then approved minutes of the September meeting and budget work sessions.

Eric Schachtler, owner of Schachtler Stone Products, informed the Board the Appellate Court had ruled in Schachtler’s favor 5-0. He asked if the Town Board is continuing their litigation against him.

Supervisor Jack Buschmann said the Board would go into Executive Session to discuss that matter, and he would let Schachtler know.

Colleen McGill of VanHyning Road requested again the Board take action on the expired and incomplete permit issued to Dan Williams of Brothertown Road for what she characterized as a non-agricultural business operating in an agricultural zone.

Attorney William Getman responded the Board had made it clear they had decided to take no further action. McGill said she wants the Board’s final decision in writing within five business days.

Doreen Falin, also of VanHyning Road, brought up the subject of the Inn at Blueberry Brook, which was formerly owned by Bob and Virginia Palusky as Blueberry Brooke. The website advertised several activities, and mentioned future buildings, she said.

She said she was not certain what the regulations were for operating an Air BnB in Marshall. Buschmann said he would have Codes Enforcement Officer Dan Ford look into it.

There was no report from the Planning Board because there is no Planning Board. The open positions have been advertised, but no one has…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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