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By Janet Dangler

Marshall Asks For Funds To Repair Bridge

The May 10 Marshall Town Board Meeting opened with the Pledge, approval of the April 12 Town Board meeting, and the May 3 meeting, which was for extending the moratorium for solar panel law, commercial excavation and small scale mining law.

The moratorium extension was approved at the May 3 meeting. Also at that meeting, the Board approved the signing of mowing and ditching agreements with Oneida County.

There was no report from the Planning Board; they are still short at least one person to make a full board. The Assessor’s Report was in board member’s packets.

The Zoning Board report was given by Debbie Zweifel. She told the Board they are moving forward with the map project. She met with the Oneida County Planning and they now have a baseline map with the flood plan and town boundaries and streets.

There are two types of digital applications that can be used, she said. However, the maps won’t be easily editable. Editing rights require licensing for which there may be a fee. The County did not indicate the cost of an editing license.

The Comprehensive Review Committee is working on a wind power law, …


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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