The first in-person meeting in two months of the Marshall Town Board was Feb. 9.
As before, when Gov. Andrew Cuomo determined that public meetings should be curtailed because of fears of spreading Covid-19, members of the Town Board came individually to the office to sign invoices, vouchers, etc., so the business of the town could continue.
Acting Supervisor Jack Buschmann called for the minutes of the past meetings to be approved. Planning Board Chairman Dante Ruia has nominated Peter Casatelli to be on the Planning Board, and his nomination was approved by the Board.
There were no reports from the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Assessors, the Codes Enforcement Officer, or the Water Board.
It was reported the Brothertown Indian grave yard on Brothertown Road has been cleared, and is ready for fencing once the snow melts a little. Dan Williams is doing the work on that, and the Highway Department has been taking away the brush he cleared.
Highway Superintendent Bob Welch reported he had received communication from Davis-Ulmer Fire Protection in Liverpool about inspecting the sprinkler system at the Town Garage.
They recommend the system be tested once a year, and their price is $1,620 per year. Councilmember Chris Steinmann suggested asking...