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Longtime Employee In Litchfield Remembered

By Mary Doremus

Town of Litchfield Supervisor Jim Entwistle opened the May meeting with a moment of silence to remember John Coy, who had passed away unexpectedly the morning of May 10.

Coy worked for the Town of Litchfield for over 40 years.

The Highway and General fund bills were signed and approved. The board minutes were approved with one correction.

Codes Enforcement Officer Ray Donley advised he did not issue any permits. He has received several phone calls and is expecting there will be permit requests soon.

Donley advised the Board the house on Cedarville Road has cleaned up most of the garbage around the house. There is still a large dumpster on the property. He has not heard from the bank, who currently owns the property.

He received a call from Jake Rasbach about placing a new trailer on the same spot of the one recently removed. Town Attorney Chris Bray will investigate the current state laws to determine what standards would apply.

Discussion ensued regarding the abandoned property on State Route 51 (next to the Matteson Hotel). Herkimer County would be willing to “deliver” the property to the town.

The county’s goal would be to get the property back on the active tax roll. The county would forgive any back taxes due and has been paying the school taxes.

Bray will contact the county to determine the process.

Herkimer County Legislator Ray Donley stated New York state has changed the polling procedures, which will affect Herkimer County polling places.

Entwistle announced Grievance Day will take place Thursday, June 2 from 3 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.

Councilman Terry Jones and Entwistle will set a time to audit the tax collector’s books.

Councilman Johnathan Knauth asked Bray to provide a draft to update local law 1 -2012. The law in its current form refers to NYS Article 10. Those areas need to be updated to reflect the 94C process.

Bray will provide a draft at the June meeting. This will allow for a Public Hearing at the July meeting.

The first draft of the job description for the Dog Control Officer was provided to the board. The board will review and discuss at the June meeting.

Discussion ensued about burials on private property. Bray advised he could find no state law stating a burial could not take place on private property.

Bray will look at sample laws other municipalities may have.

Bray suggested forming a committee to review the town’s Comprehensive Plan.

He found many municipalities have updated their plan in this…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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