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By Mary Doremus

Litchfield Discusses New Wind Farm Proposal

The Town of Litchfield Organization Meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. by Town Supervisor Jim Entwistle.

Twenty-eight resolutions for 2023 were read aloud by Entwistle and Deputy Supervisor Jonathan Knauth. Resolution 25.2023 included yearly salaries for Supervisor $5,500; Highway Superintendent $50,000 (Clifford Coffin); Town Clerk (Nicole Edwards) $12,500; Councilmen (Jonathan Knauth, Terry Jones, Mark O’Sullivan & Terry McKane) $1,600 each; Tax Collector (Linda Coffin) $2,200; Justice (Hon. Matthew Entwistle) $5,500; Codes Enforcement Officer (Ray Donley) $6,000.

Other resolutions of note (paid on a yearly basis) were Town Historian (Thomas Bentley) $250; Registrar of Vital Statistics (Nicole Edwards) $300; Dog Control Officer (Teri Cerminaro) $1,500; Health Control Officer (Catherine Entwistle) $100; Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services $6,000 (Payroll services are $40 per payroll).

All twenty-eight resolutions were approved by the board.

The regular board meeting started immediately following the Organizational meeting.

The December board meeting minutes were approved with a few minor corrections.

Entwistle advised the board he received a call from Jerry Stacchi from JGK Associates, regarding the grant application for the Salt Shed. Stacchi advised the grant has not yet been approved and he was hearing that money was being moved away from this type of grant.

At this time the town will have to wait and see what occurs.

Town resident Dan Alqonis questioned if wind mills were coming to the Town of Litchfield.

Knauth advised Enel Energy is attempting to sign up landowners for a proposed 20,000-acre (or more) wind farm. Knauth advised according to NYS Law 94-C Major Renewal Energy Development Program the towns do not have much say regarding proposals of this nature.

The Town of Litchfield has put laws in place addressing Wind and Solar and Battery Storage Facilities, which is about the only way for towns to prepare themselves for renewable energy projects.

He stated energy companies will first attempt to get properties under contract, then go to the state to negotiate some agreements, next putting together an application. During the application process is when the projects generally come the public light.

A website called NoBigWind has been established…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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