Litchfield Town Supervisor Jim Entwistle opened the March meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Councilman Terry Jones was absent.
Entwistle introduced Bryn Davis, PLS from Emerich Land Surveying. Davis will survey the Town of Litchfield property, specifically in relation to where the salt shed will be placed.
She advised the property was deeded to the town in 1936 by Edna B. Robinson, possibly acting as executor for the estate of Ed Metzger.
The board approved the survey project.
Davis has agreed to fill the empty position on the Board of Assessment Review. A motion was made and approved by the board appointing Davis to a term set to expire Sept. 30,2024.
She was advised there is no Planning or Zoning Boards in the Town of Litchfield, and the town’s Comprehensive Plan is posted on the town website.
Town resident Luke Ostrander attended the meeting inquiring about repairs to Hammond Road. He stated the mud is terrible and his wife got stuck in the mud…
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