The Kirkland Police Department again offers its direct connection to Santa Claus. Last year, the department turned an old deposit box into a festive Letters-to-Santa mailbox. Children can safely drop off letters to Santa until Christmas Eve. KPD Administrative Officer Shawn Occhipinti said even though Santa might not write back, it doesn’t mean Father Christmas didn’t get your letter. “As a close personal friend of Santa Claus, I have his direct phone number where kids can call and leave him a message,” Occhipinti said. That number is 951-262-3062. “I can tell you for sure, Santa loves it when kids go to bed early on Christmas Eve. He enjoys the wonderful milk and cookies that are left out. Santa even likes it when a carrot or two are left out as a special treat for the reindeer so that they can keep up their energy to travel the world,” he said. To drop a letter in the red mailbox, visit the police station at 2 New St., Clark Mills.