The Town of Kirkland Board met virtually Monday evening to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the Covid-19 testing policy for the Town.
The contract with the Clinton Youth Foundation was accepted for the year.
The 2021 contract with the Kirkland Arts Center was approved.
The 2021 contract with law firm Felt Evans was accepted.
The Board authorized budgetary transfers for the first payments on the front-end loader.
The monthly Safety Inspector's Report and Animal Control Officer's report were accepted.
A forum on the Complete Streets program was held between the Board and several members of the community. Highway Department Superintendent Jon Scott asked the Board to hold off on approving the program until he's had a chance to review the documentation.
Scott said he wanted a chance to gain a better understanding of the financial repercussions of the program. Councilman Garry Colarusso said the costs of construction would only be a problem if there was a total street reconstruction being done.
Town of Kirkland Attorney Anthony Hallak has revised the Town's letter to the state in accepting the program. It is expected to be approved at the next Board meeting.
The Board then held a public forum about the Town of Kirkland Police Department's Reform Policies and progress on state training guidelines. The Town of Kirkland Board encourages anyone with…