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Kirkland Board Hires Company

The Kirkland Town Board met Wednesday night for new business.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the June 12 meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the resignation of Kathryn Arcuri as Office Specialist I, effective July 7. "Kathryn's done a great job," Meelan said, "It's a great opportunity and we're excited for her."

The Board approved a resolution accepting a contract with Clean Water Management for the Clark Mills Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Town received a letter from SWOCO asking to attend the annual meeting Thursday, July 13 at 6 p.m. for a tour of the landfill. Hot dogs, salads, chips, and drinks will be served.

Meelan said he put in for a Hamilton College Town-Gown Grant for the Kirkland Senior Center in Clark Mills.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of bills.

The next Town of Kirkland Board meeting is scheduled for July 19.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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