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Improvements To Bisby Hall Part Of Federal Aid

By Anthony Gannon

The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing Village of West Winfield Mayor Jim Thomson to pay August's bills. The Board approved a resolution accepting the August meeting minutes and Treasurer's report.

Boardmember Jim Murphy noted a correction to the minutes as the Ladder Truck was the vehicle in need of repairs. Village Clerk Scott Van Duren said an additional $356 check from ARPA was received.

Mohawk Valley Economic Development District held an ARPA meeting Sept. 10 to discuss which projects around the Village could be paid for with the federal recovery funds. The ramp refurbishment at Village Hall is covered under ARPA funds as well as water meters and clean-water tests.

An ARPA dedicated representative of MVEDD is assisting the Village with the first financial report due Oct. 31. The Board held a discussion about the local law resolution authorizing the use of the best value standard for the purchase of an ADA compliant handicap ramp and other ideas for ARPA fund use.

The Board approved the local law resolution. The Bonds for Bisby Hall and the Fire Truck are expected to be closed Sept. 15.

The Herkimer County Department of Transportation issued a tentative plan to the Village about repaving North Street next year. The Board discussed other projects that could be covered with the plan and agreed to brainstorm other sidewalks and water lines to potentially add to the project.

The Board discussed using CHIPS money to purchase a new Skid Steer.

The Board approved a resolution increasing the minimum water rate charge from $5 to $5.25 per 1,000 gallons.

The Board approved a resolution amending the water payment policy by establishing that landlords are ultimately responsible for submitting payment for water billing. …


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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