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Flooding Impacts Property

By Anthony Gannon

The Town of Bridgewater Board met Thursday evening to discuss new business.

Town Assessor Bernie Szarek asked about his liability in the event he were to hit someone's dog while on the road. Town of Bridgewater Attorney Matt Fanelli said Szarek was set as far as liability there is concerned.

Town resident Jack Kenyon and neighbor Erin Dye spoke to the Board about Mr. Kenyon's need for relief and assistance with the flooding on his property.

Kenyon said he was very frustrated with the situation and desperate, adding he's close to digging the end of the creek out himself without waiting for permits since the problem has gotten so bad.

Town of Bridgewater Supervisor Dale DeKing said the Board stood with Kenyon's requests and would do everything they could to help him.

The Board held a discussion about purchasing a Mack Cab, Chassis, and Tenko Plow for the Town fleet. The Board approved a resolution of the intent to purchase the two trucks by the terms of the offered contracts.

The Board said there would be a need to discuss new equipment purchases for the trucks and a 30-day decision window was opened to discuss the specifics of the purchase.

The Board approved a resolution naming the new dog control officer.

The Board is still searching for someone to be Town Historian.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the purchased cardio monitors.

The Board approved the payment of the General, Highway, and Water bills.

One fire call, one motor vehicle accident and 30 ambulance calls were answered in February by the Bridgewater Fire Department.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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