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Fall Festival's Plans Discussed at Village Board

By Anthony Gannon

The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday night to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of vouchers of the General Fund for $68,605.38 and the Water Fund for $2,180.56.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the July meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution approving the Treasurer's report.

Mount Markham teacher Tori Roberts spoke to the Board about the Family Fall Festival scheduled for Sept. 28.

Roberts said, "We've been planning some events like having a touch-a-truck event and a hayride.

“The Utica Zoo mobile is going to be there.

The cost of that is $275 per hour. A magician will perform at 3 p.m. The cost of that is $250.

“There are some discussions about offering a face-painting booth.

"That should cost us about $100 to $150, unless it's donated.

"There will be free fried dough. The dough, the cooking oil, and sugar have all been donated by local businesses.

“We're hoping to get some cider, juice, and bottles of water. We are searching for a popcorn machine. We might possibly be able to get a cotton candy machine.

“There will be games like cornhole, kids kickball, and some other games provided by Ivan Delia from New York ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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