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By Pat Louise

Enrollment Causes Drop In College Classes

Mount Markham High School Principal Victor Zampetti took a look at factors when he saw this year’s College Now courses had lower than usual numbers.

The enrollment dropped, he told the Mount Markham Board of Education, because the District has fewer students in the building this year. “This year, next year, we have less bodies walking the hallways,’’ Zampetti said.

In the 2018-19 year, the High School enrollment for grades ninth through twelfth was 360. This year it is 319.

That comes mainly because the senior and sophomore classes are smaller that usual, at 73 students each. Five years ago the sophomore class was at 100 students and 83 for the senior class.

“It starts going back up with the freshmen class,’’ Zampetti said, “with the average 75 to 80 and some in the 90s.’’

College Now English classes have 33 students, compared to 36 in 2018-19. Foreign language College Now classes are up by 10, to 32.

Social Studies classes are down in all College Now classes offered. While Math and Science classes each have lower enrollments, students are spread out over four more classes than offered five year five years ago.

Enrollment for College CPR/First Aid has gone from four students to 14 this year. Biology has dropped from 20 students last year to six this year.

Overall, Mt. Markham offers 17 College Now classes for High School students to earn college credits. To qualify, approval has to come from Herkimer College.

In addition, Mount Markham offers nine science classes not included in College Now. Two are state required - Living Environment and Earth Science - and students can choose their third from the other seven, which is a District requirement.

Zampetti said 85 percent of High School students, or 248 students, are taking a…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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