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Columbia Board Reviews Court

At their March meeting, the Columbia Town Board did the annual review of the Town Court.

Town Justice John Skinner answered questions and explained the process of his office regarding total revenue and the town’s portion. Training this year is remote.

The Board reviewed cash book, bank statements and monthly totals. The audit was approved by the Board.

Codes Officer Ray Donley Ray Donley reported to the Board. His training is in person this year. He said the annual reports to the State will be done next week.

The Herkimer County redistricting was discussed. The County has one or two police on duty which can make a long response time for police calls.

Highway Department Superintendent Mark Buddle discussed a number of topics.

He said the Grader is in Syracuse and the Town is asked to wait for a dry day to deliver.

The Boiler updates are done.

Paperwork continues for the new sand/salt building. A survey will be done again as will soil testing.

He also brought up wages and a proposal for the Town to purchase a new Mack truck in 2024.

Town Supervisor George Weiss said the Town received a letter of complaint about dog control. Weiss explained those issues need to go to the State Police first. He will call and explain to the person that sent the letter.

Charter Communications notified the town of a rate increase.

After Buddle’s report, Board members took the following actions:

Approved the purchase of 2024 Mack Truck from Utica Mack at $174,118 as per Sourcewell pricing and Tenco Plow Equipment including sander installation – sander yet to be determined – at $81,436 as per Onondaga County pricing for a total of $255,554.

Approved a $1.25 per hour wage increase for all hourly highway employees effective March 19. This covers full-time and part-time employees.

The monthly bills were paid before the meeting was adjourned.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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