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Columbia Adopts Tentative Budget

The Town of Columbia adopted its tentative 2022 budget at its September meeting.

A public hearing this week was scheduled before the Board adopts the final version of the budget. Also at the September meeting the Board voted to override the state tax levy limit.

At the Board’s August meeting, Codes Officer Ray Donley said building permits are picking up. He planned to do the annual commercial inspections in September.

At the Board’s September meeting Donley said he has three building permits.

Highway Superintendent Mark Buddle discussed shoulders on Sarafin Road being done. He thanked the Herkimer County Highway Department for use of the shoulder machine and operator.

Millings were used from Ilion Gorge; also a truck from Stark and Warren.

Most of sealing was done that day. Buddle thanked Stark, German Flatts, Danube, Warren for help.

Buddle said federal stimulus money possibly can be used for road repair.

A grant was submitted for the sand and salt shed.

He and the Board had a lengthy discussion about purchasing a wing and plow hitch system. The Board agreed to lease one for five years at an annual cost of $7,067.18.

At the September meeting Buddle said work was done on House…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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