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Clinton Seeks Tree Grant

By Anthony Gannon

The Village of Clinton Board met Monday night to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the May 6 meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution auditing vouchers.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Finance Committee report.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the department reports.

Clinton Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo said after a meeting with Town Engineer Tim O'Hara a lot needs to happen for some projects to begin but State approval is the final step before projects start.

Tantillo attended the Town of Kirkland meeting to discuss the DRI sidewalks project.

Tantillo said a reporting format for the master plan is being implemented.

Tantillo said, "Half of the cost for the Village Green signage is from ARPA funds and the other half is from the Town & Gown for a total of $30,000."

The new sign is going in the current container and the sign holder will be updated when the Village Green is redone.

The Planning Board and Zoning Board are beginning to discuss DRI projects in meetings.

The Refuse Collection contract was accepted.

The Village is applying for a $75,000 DEC Tree Grant.

The Village received a $10,000 grant opportunity for Electrical Equipment with the application deadline June 24.

Tantillo said she was researching commissioning a parking study.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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