The Village of Clinton Board met this month to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the December meeting minutes.
The Board approved a resolution auditing vouchers.
Village of Clinton Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo read a letter from resident Gil Palladino thanking the Village for their effort in clearing the Village sidewalks of snow this winter.
Tantillo said the Finance Committee report will be distributed to the Board later in the week.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the department reports and dispensing with the reading of the reports.
The Board held a short discussion about the Tree Committee.
Tantillo said the Village is working on developing a reporting format mechanism for Master Plan reports. The first quarterly report is expected in February.
The Board held a short discussion about the Master Plan progress.
The Clinton Sewer Service Area has a meeting scheduled for February to discuss projects for the Clinton Wastewater Treatment Facility.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the resubmitted and modified Village Green use application from Angelo Gaetano for the Clinton High School Junior Class Prom Grand March May 17 from 4 to 5 p.m.
Village Elections are scheduled for Tuesday, March 18 from 12 to 9 p.m.
The Board held a discussion on short-term rentals and public housing.
Tantillo said there are 29 Air BnB rentals in the Village and Vrbo has 5 to 10 rentals in the area.
Tantillo said the number of short-term rentals in the area highlighted the necessity of establishing a law for the safety and peace of mind of community residents and renters.
The Board held a discussion about the differences between registered bed and breakfasts and short-term rentals. The next steps are to hold discussions with Planning and Zoning boards, work on definitions, and compare other municipalities' laws.
A 36-page contract from NYCERTA for an electric vehicle was sent to the Village.
The Village needs to sign and send the contract and will make a down-payment of 25%.
NYCERTA will give $50,000 to the Village. The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the NYCERTA agreement.