The Village of Clinton Board met in-person at the Town of Kirkland Municipal Building Monday evening to discuss new business.
The Finance Committee is beginning work on the 2021-22 budget. There will be a public hearing March 1 for the preliminary budget as well as development of a seven-year Capital Plan.
The Department of Public Works removed 10 loads of solid waste weighing 1,233.80 tons. Four loads of metal weighing 1.28 tons were recycled for $181.41.
Seven loads of mixed yard waste and 25 Christmas trees were removed.
The Water Department pumped 9,970,800 gallons through Plant 1 in December, and 7,704,500 total gallons through Plant 2. 120 gallons of Chlorine and 471.9 lbs. of Fluoride were used.
A shut off for 3 Anderson Place was installed on Dec. 30 after the explosion in the house.
The Water Department pumped a total of 183,378,040 gallons in 2020.
The Clinton Fire Department answered 50 total calls for December with 39 medical responses and 11 fire responses. One mutual aid call to Oriskany Falls was made and Covid-19 calls answered increased to 13.
The Fire Department answered 308 total medical calls for 2020, with 292 Fire calls answered for a total of 600 calls for 2020. The Covid-19 related calls in 2020 was 44.
The Town of Kirkland Police Department answered 216 calls in December with 66 calls answered for the Village. Three arrests were made and 17 motor vehicle accidents were reported.
The department issued 32 traffic tickets. Total calls for…