The Clinton Central School Board of Education met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.
CCS Superintendent Chris Clancy welcomed new Orchestra teacher Giovanni Magagnoli and congratulated Angie Thieme on her retirement as Account Clerk.
Clancy said students and faculty were helping to decide the final Comets rebrand and expected to announce the final design before the end of the school year.
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Technology Michelle Gabree-Huba gave a presentation to the Board about selecting a new World Languages publisher.
Some teachers spoke with the Board in support of the textbooks for approval later in the meeting.
Clancy and Assistant Superintendent of Business Joseph Barretta gave a budget update presentation.
CRRSA and ARP Fundings end this year, according to Barretta, and the Budget Gap was $914,000.
Clancy went through a list of rightsizing and personnel efficiencies saving over $914,000 with the reduction of a full-time Teaching Aide and Teaching Assistant positions and BOCES Services including Speech and ENL .
Clinton Central School District President Melinda Leising asked CCS High School Principal Dr. Matt Lee about a Grading For Equity book study update.
Lee said 14 participated in the grading study and it was ...