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CCS Welcomes New Staff

The Clinton Central Schools Board of Education met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.

The new Staff Class of 2021 was listed and recognized. Each CCS Principal, Ellen Leuthauser, Dr. Shaun Carney, and then Dr. Matt Lee, introduced their new staff members to the Board both in attendance and unable to attend. Leuthauser proudly listed several contributions the new additions to her team made already.

Carney welcomed his new staff members saying he appreciates the hard work they've put in already and looks forward to seeing their growth along with the students’.

Lee went through some of the staffing turnover in detail in the High School.

Business Administrator Joseph Barretta introduced the Bridges Staff before the Board broke for a meet-and-greet with the new teammembers in attendance.

Tricia Lucas of D'Arcangelo and Co. delivered an unmodified audit opinion again to the District. She noted no significant deficiencies and no major weaknesses. Boardmember Megan Burdick asked a question about the Federal Expenditure Threshold and Barretta went into detail about the decision to accept the audit.

CCS Superintendent Dr. Stephen Grimm went into the District Bright Spots thanking the leadership team, faculty, staff, parents, the PTA, students, Village and Town leaders, the Clinton Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton College, and the rest of the community for a successful school opening.

Grimm thanked everyone for the beautiful 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony, recognizing the committee and contributions to the day from everyone.

Grimm highlighted Jakob Sipe's Shed Restoration Eagle Scout Project and thanked him for a wonderful job.

Leuthauser then began the Elementary School Bright Spots. Kindergarten students drew pictures of something they did on their first day. Science lessons and Chorus lessons have restarted after not taking place last school year.

CES held Clinton Dot Day with Leuthauser going through a list of planned activities and learning diversions.

Carney talked about how Class President runs are heating up in the Middle School. Student Council's Trivia Night was a big success. The Hamilton College Orientation Group upgraded some bulletin boards in the Middle School Library as part of their Lifting Up Libraries program.

Carney shared the Middle…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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