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CCS Music Named A Best Community For Education

By Anthony Gannon

The Clinton Central School District Board of Education met virtually Tuesday evening to discuss new business.

The public hearing on the Communicable Disease Public Health Emergency Continuation of Operations Plan was opened. No comments at the meeting or online over the last 30 days were received, according to District Superintendent Dr. Stephen Grimm.

Sara Ziesenits of the Kirkland Town Library spoke with the Board during public comment, thanking them for their continued support of the Library. Ziesenits also caught up the Board with the library's plan for the year as well as highlighting some students' creative contributions.

Given the financial burdens of the pandemic, the library will not request funding through taxes again this year.

Bright Spots began with CCSD being named a Best Community for Musical Education for a third consecutive year by the National Association of Musical Merchants Foundations.

Upcoming Appreciation Days include Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day April 21, Teacher Appreciation Day May 4, and Nurse Appreciation Day May 6.

Grimm celebrated board member achievements with Melinda Leising's 75-point Board Achievement…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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