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Bridgewater Sign Will Dim At Night

By Anthony Gannon

The Town of Bridgewater Board met Thursday night to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Feb. 9 meeting minutes. The Board approved a resolution accepting the minutes from the public hearing on the Fire Volunteer/EMS Tax Exemption.

Residents of the Town met with the Board to ask that the brightness on the new LED Town sign be lowered during nighttime hours. The Board said they would lower the brightness or turn off the sign during night hours if the sign's lowered brightness was still intrusive.

Destiny Davis said the Planning Board met with one property owner who brought a survey. The Planning Board is waiting for a site plan and adjoining paperwork.

Jerry Perry reported there was thought to be a new leak in the water system, however it was only that the covers on a curb stop had been removed and a valve wasn't fully closed.

Zoning/Codes Enforcement Officer Pat Baron said a junkyard was brought to Town Court Monday.

Board members Tom Meininger and Richard Foster conducted an Audit of the Justice Court, saying the numbers were all…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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