The Town of Bridgewater Board met Thursday evening to discuss new business.
Zoning Board Chairperson Dierdre Williams asked the Board whether the Town was a part of the New York Planning Federation. Town of Bridgewater Supervisor Dale Deking said yes the Town was a part of the NYPF.
Williams also asked about specifics regarding a residential building permit. One complaint was brought to the Zoning Board regarding two properties, one where the lawn hasn't been mowed in a year and another property where broken down cars are parked near a stream.
Destiney Davis reported no walk-ins for the Planning Board in August. She's had discussions with Stewart's regarding necessary paperwork. Stewart's representatives will be at the Sept. 21 meeting.
Ideas for grant projects are being brainstormed and discussions about possibly relining a roadway occurred.
Town Historian Jerry Beigh thanked everyone who showed up for the historical site tours. He said it was a gratifying experience to share local history with people who visited from all over Central New York…