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Bids Sought To Repair Bridges

The Town of Winfield Board met Wednesday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved the Highway and General Abstracts from August. A correction to August's minutes noted the Fire Department removed a downed tree. The previous meeting's minutes were accepted as corrected.

The Board approved a resolution to purchase a stairlift chair for the Town Park.

Request was given for the Utica Zoo to sell raffle tickets in Town.

The Department of Public Works fixed a cracked window in the Town Hall.

The Board is searching for a bid for the two bridges in the Park as well.

The Board scheduled a Budget workshop for Sept. 23.

A donation from Jack Clark was accepted for $200. The Town Crew was given a compliment from the Board about their trimming and cleanup maintenance.

The painting of the bandstand lettering was complimented.

Trash Day is scheduled for Oct. 2.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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