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Arts Programs Reviewed

The Clinton Central Schools Board of Education met Tuesday evening to discuss new business.

CCSD BOE President Melinda Leising welcomed those in attendance and read the mission statement. CCSd Superintendent Chris Clancy began his report with a rundown of the Arts offerings from CCSD recently.

Clancy listed and congratulated the ensembles, artists, and cast for the High School Musical Production of Mamma Mia, the Junior High All-County Music Festival, the Art: The Common Thread exhibit at the Kirkland Town Library, student displays at Artisans Corner, and Ball in the House featuring the Clinton Chamber Singers.

Clancy thanked Music teacher Jenna Wratten for her work towards the production of Ball in the House.

Clancy spoke about the experience of the Harlem Wizards Basketball showcase and thanked the PTA, Optimists, and Sports Boosters for organizing the event.

Clancy congratulated the list of retirees and held a short discussion about the possibility of changing the Warrior mascot and name. The CCS Football team is reclassifying to 8-man for the 2023 Fall season.

The Middle School received a designation change to school of local support and improvement. Clancy gave a short review of the Capital Project and presented the 2023-2024 School Calendar.

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Deb Van Slyke said the Superintendent's Conference Day focused on "Where Are We Now?" with New York state Standards and Instruction, calling it a "Fascinating, busy day."

CCS High School Principal Dr. Matt Lee, Middle School Principal Dr. Shaun Carney, and Elementary School Principal Ellen Leuthauser spoke with the Board about each of their building’s response to the District Strategic Goals.

Lee noted the High School is "Not on pace to achieve their goal on chronic absenteeism" but said the goal of…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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