The Clinton Central School District Board of Education met last Tuesday evening to discuss new business.
The remote-only meeting started with a review and public hearing for the District Safety Plan. The plan was updated to clarify some wording regarding the cameras placed around campus, and the full plan is available for review on the district website.
Clinton Teachers Association President John King gave a message of appreciation to the Board for the custodial and transportation staff of CCSD. "I would go so far as to deem them the heroes in all of this," King said.
King expressed many concerns regarding the quarantine process and the risk of not going to full-time remote learning and its effect on teachers and their families. He specifically gave a message of gratitude to Board for their efforts in keeping Clinton Central School on track through the pandemic and the work they've put in for the Clinton Central School District the past few years and especially the past few months.
District Superintendent Dr. Stephen Grimm showed the Governor's Proclamation for School Board Appreciation Week while also previewing a gift of appreciation for each Board member.
The Clinton Central School District has started its own Facebook page as well. Alyssa Sacco has been hired part-time to work on the website and other public relations efforts.
The CCSD Bright Spots began with Elementary School Principal Ellen Leuthauser talking about the monthly pickup of supplies and how they've kept the flow of educational materials to students who are learning all virtually continuing.
Third and fourth grade students are sending cards to residents of the Presbyterian Home every month. The Mighty Milers Club earned a boxful of books for the miles they've run so far. The club donated the books to the library.
Leuthauser thanked Mrs. and Mr. Lillibridge for creating the successful dismissal program.
Dr. Shaun Carney, Clinton Middle School Principal, then presented CMS Bright Spots in the meeting. Tutoring services for Middle School students are being offered on the Wave Learning Festival website.
Several students have signed up for the new philosophy…