Under the best-case scenario devised by Waterville Central School administrators and stakeholders, all students will attend classes in their school for half a day five days a week.
Waterville, like all districts around the state, awaits word this week from the State Education Department and Gov. Andrew Cuomo on whether Option A is accepted. Of the three options outlined by WCS Acting Superintendent Maureen Gray, Option A carries the least amount of time of remote learning.
Gray spent an hour during last week’s four-hour WCS Board of Education meeting explaining the three options and supplementary procedures, such as transportation, hygiene rules and screenings and what-if situations. Plans had to be submitted to the state last Friday and shared on the district’s website.
Waterville’s meeting, which was done remotely, started late due to technical issues getting the live feed to work. Gray’s plan, watched live by up to 251 viewers on YouTube, began after a 15-minute executive session by the board.
After thanking those for tuning in, Gray said the plan proposed is rooted in addressing the social, emotional and academic wellness needs of students and staff. “We still don’t have all the answers,’’ she said, “and there is no perfect plan.’’
Also assisting in the presentation were Principal Nick Rauch and Dr. Kathy Davis, who is waiting for state approval to take over as Waterville’s interim superintendent. Administrators used a 145-page document from the state to create options for the fall.
WCS also gathered input from a survey given to families, meetings with other superintendents and officials from Oneida County, and meetings…