At last week’s Clinton Central School Board meeting, Kirkland Town Library Director Anne Debraggio said the library wants a proposition to go to voters in May to add $20,000 to the library’s budget. Last year voters approved putting the library budget on the tax levy.
The Kirkland Town Library Proposition request to be added to the May 19 budget vote would increase the levy of $344,784 for library services for district residents.
Debraggio said the library values its relationship with the school and they're looking forward to that relationship growing stronger with CCS students and volunteers.
After discussion later in the meeting board members approved the proposition.
The Centers for Disease Control issued a health update on the coronavirus. District Superintendent Dr. Stephen Grimm said there are procedures in place in case of a district pandemic.
People who are sick are urged to stay home. The state Department of Health said school-sponsored programs in China, Italy, Iran, Japan, and South Korea are discontinued.
If anyone in the district tests positive, Grimm said the state’s procedure...