The Village of Clinton Board met last Monday night for their first meeting of 2020. There were no Codes or Police reports for December available at the meeting. The DPW hauled away 11.91 tons over eight loads at a cost of $62 per ton. Six tires, three refrigerators, one washer/dryer, one stove and 23 Christmas trees were also taken. Two loads of metal were recycled for $65.76. For the year, the DPW took 182 loads weighing 241.44 tons to the landfill at a cost of $14,825, another 316 loads of Green Waste were removed, and 14.15 tons of metal were recycled for $1,227. The Water Department pumped 12,940,600 gallons through Plant 1 during December at an average rate of 417,439 gallons a day. Plant 2 was offline for December. Eighty gallons of chlorine were used and 368.6 pounds of fluoride were used. For the year, 140,607,500 gallons were pumped. The Clinton Fire Department answered 69 calls for December. Of those, 34 were medical calls and 35 fire calls. Two mutual aid calls for Vernon Center and Clark Mills were taken. Fire Chief Jim Scoones said the department had a close call with a cellar fire at a local residence. A breakdown in the department’s communication system meant the news of the fire was almost overlooked and could have been much worse. Scoones said luckily failsafes alerted the department. The Wastewater Treatment Facility processed 79,000,000 gallons for December at an average max flow of 5,000,000 gallons a day. In 2019 812,000,000 gallons were processed with 548 tons of biosolids being hauled to the landfill. The WWTF is pricing replacement sections for various pipes throughout the plant. The Clinton Historical Preservation Committee...