The Town of Kirkland Board met Nov. 13 for the first business meeting of the month.
The meeting began with the opening of the public hearing for the Local Law to provide the zoning for the Route 12B overlay district governing development with the State Route 12B Corridor.
Bob Kellogg asked the Board about signage changes. The Board responded by saying the signage has not changed.
Changes to the route are available online and through the Town Clerk's office. The Local Law 1.2019 for the new 12B corridor was approved at the end of the meeting after the closing of the public hearing.
Two Kirkland Police Department vehicles, 561 and 567, were approved to be placed for bid on Auctions International. Opening bids for each car will begin at $12,000.
The Animal Control contract for 2020 was approved.
A resolution establishing energy benchmarking requirements for certain municipal buildings was approved.
A second resolution was tabled until a further meeting on the advice of Attorney Tony Halek until the Board has an opportunity to address their solar ordinance.
Halek said he expects to have a recommendation for the Board at their next meeting. The two resolutions are steps for the Town of Kirkland to take to be designated…