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Work Continues On Old Mill Site In Oriskany Falls

Oriskany Falls Mayor Steve Jeffers reported at their September meeting that the Environmental Protection Agency is finishing backfilling around the pits on the site of the former Mill.

Jeffers said the federal agency also gave keys to the Village for the buildings and they will be in the safe.

Also in his report Jeffers said he has heard from many residents who are happy with the speed signs and would like more for the Village.

The mayor said there is a lot of junk being put out to the curb throughout the Village. A notice will be sent to homeowners in violation and an announcement will be in the newsletter.

During the meeting Marylyn Nassimos did the drawing for the raffle to benefit the Stone Church. Mike Olmstead won the $100 rake and Kevin Zielinski won the $50 rake.

Trustee Joanna Eisenhut reported on the attendance for Summer Recreation. Eisenhut said she spoke to the Codes Officer about her concerns.

Eisenhut requested that movies next year be only in August and the Village show fewer. Creekside donated $200 towards replacing the refrigerator in the Y&R pavilion.

The Board approved 2020 fire contracts with the towns of Augusta, Marshall and Sangerfield; the contracts have a 2 percent increase.

Jeffers discussed the meeting he attended for COCVAC; they are requesting…

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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