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By Pat Louise

WCS Needs More Geothermal Tests

More testing has to be done to see if the Waterville Central School District can use geothermal energy as its heating source.

The need for more tests bump the voting date of the district’s $11 million capital improvement project from early December to at least February. Converting the Junior-Senior High School to geothermal is the bulk of the project, which also includes replacing the turf at Brothertown Stadium, roof repairs at both schools and updating the kitchen at the Junior-Senior High.

WCS Board of Education members heard the update and results of the first testing at last week’s board meeting. The two-hour public portion of the meeting took place at Memorial Park School and included an hour to tour the building.

Board member Russell Stewart, giving a report from the Capital Project committee, said results of the first drilling showed sand…

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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