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Kirkland Opens Chiller Bids

By Mike Jaquays

Four bids were officially opened and reviewed at the Kirkland Town Board meeting last week.

The upcoming project entails the replacement of a chiller at the Clinton Arena, including the general construction, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work.

Supervisor Bob Meelan and town Budget Director Anthony Arcuri opened those bids during public session at the meeting, checking for appropriate paperwork and whether the proper certified check or bond was included.

Bids ranged from a low of $237,135 to a high of $340,000 for the basic work. Davis Mechanical Services of East Syracuse submitted the low bid.

The bids were accepted unanimously by the board, and will now go on for qualification before a winner is announced.

A pair of Martin Road residents questioned the board about a company that had been exporting water, some eight to 10 loads a day at up to 10,000 gallons each, from near their property. Kirkland Police Chief Dan English said he had talked with both the resident and the DEC about the situation. The water company had appropriate permits and seemed to be focused on that parcel for their collection.

For the full story, check newsstands for this week's edition of The Waterville Times. You can also request a previous issue of The Waterville Times.

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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