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Display Ad Specifications and Rates

The Waterville Times

is a broadsheet format newspaper:

5 columns wide by 21 inches in depth.




1 column .......... 1.86"

2 column .......... 3.923"

3 column .......... 5.994"

4 column .......... 8.065"

5 column .......... 10.1"




Rates are net; Agency commission must be added.

$7.00 per column inch.

Repeated ads which run 2 or more times

within 4 weeks receive 10% off.

Full color is available with an extra charge of $75.00.










Business Directory Advertising:

Ads in the business directory run at

least 1 month with no changes made to the ad.

$9.50/per week.




Call in your ad to 315/841-4105
Mail your ad to PO Box C, Waterville, NY 13480
E-mail us at




All advertising material must reach our office

by 5 pm Thursday for the preceding publication


you are running a large ad - half page or bigger -

then please notify us a few days before the

deadline so we can plan accordingly.


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