The Town of Winfield Board met Wednesday evening to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the September meeting minutes.
The Board held a discussion about the Internet and telephone installations at Bisby Hall.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the General Claims and Highway Claims.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the Supervisor's and Town Clerk's reports.
Town of Winfield Supervisor Budd Osbourn moved the Nov. 9 Town of Winfield meeting to Nov. 16.
Osbourn said he talked with representatives from Bridgewater and Litchfield about Town websites. The Board held a discussion about updating the Town website.
The Board continued the discussion about which e-mail provider to use for Town business. Town of Winfield Boardmember Jay Kulczak said he would check the best prices and services for Town use.
Trash Day had over 100 people participate to remove over 100 loads of garbage.
A copy of the Real Property Tax Service is being distributed…