After months of looking into becoming a 2nd Amendment town, the Town of Winfield is one.
Town Supervisor Bill Miller said he recently learned that Herkimer County approved becoming a 2nd Amendment sanctuary.
Miller said when the county did so, all the towns automatically were included as ones also.
A 2nd Amendment sanctuary is a locality that has adopted laws or resolutions to limit the enforcement of gun control laws.
These laws are seen as violating the Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms.
Miller said a petition in support of the town doing this has 100 signatures.
Miller also clarified a couple of things regarding the Highway Department.
He said the Town and Department are separate entities with both being elected positions.
The Town Board controls only the funding for the Highway Department.
Miller also said a recent discussion at the January Town Board meeting regarding the Highway Superintendent should have been done in executive session and not the public session.
He said Douglas Paul Jones, the Highway Superintendent, plans to resign in April.