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By Pat Louise

WCS Moves To Ban Phone Use By Students

A survey of teachers at Waterville Junior-Senior High School showed the top impediment to education in their classrooms comes from students distracted by using their cell phones.

The Waterville Teachers Association asked teachers their thoughts as the District moves to eliminate student cell phone use in the building. Out of 36 teachers, 22 took the survey.

Teachers said cell phones cause a constant distraction from education as the No. 1 problem in their classrooms.

WCS Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Spring shared the results, with permission of the WTA, at last week’s Board of Education meeting. While the details of how, when and discipline have yet to be determined, Board members said the survey shows them something significant needs to be done.

Among the survey results:

*Seventy-seven percent said they do not allow cell phone use without consent.

*Seventy-seven percent also said students use Smart watches for messaging.

*Ninety-six percent said kids wear or hide wearing earbuds during class to listen to music or podcasts.

*Half the teachers said they wrote up students for disciplinary action for using their phones.

*Students told 68 percent of the teachers, when told to put their phones away, they were communicating with ...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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