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Students Return To CCS

The Clinton Central Schools Board of Education met virtually Tuesday evening to discuss new business.

CCS Superintendent Dr. Stephen Grimm began the meeting saying, "The staff are really excited for the return of students. Everyone is happy to see everyone."

The Bright Spots from CCS Elementary Principal Ellen Leuthauser began with her also expressing the Elementary School's exuberance to be back in class. Extra-curricular programs are up and running with the return of the Trout Program, Math Olympiads, Math League, STEAM, Art Club, OVA, and the Mighty Milers.

Spring Modified Sports are being organized, and the Elementary Science Fair is scheduled for March 23 for Cohort 1 and March 26 for Cohort 2.

Birdhouses decorated by Art Club and OVA students are on display at Artisans' Corner before being donated to local nursing homes. Janelle Conklin's students in fifth grade orchestra had fun learning about music from other cultures with Judith "Koki" Chepkuri.

Students and teachers have been leaving universally positive comments about livestreaming in classes from the first through the fifth grades.

Leuthauser said the decorations brightening hallways throughout the school are appreciated.

Dr. Shaun Carney got the Middle School Bright Spots going by thanking the Middle School team and drivers who exchanged educational materials with students Feb. 10. Along with the High School team, over 400 deliveries of books and assignments, as well as some treats, were made to students.

Special thank-yous were made to Bart Hearn and Katie Dewhurst for their help with Virtual Middle School tutoring sessions. The entire Middle School staff greeted students returning to school with a welcome line.

The first CCS Middle School Family Feud night was planned for Feb. 26 at 6 p.m.

Clinton High School Principal Dr. Matt Lee started the High School's Bright Spots with pictures from the Senior goodie-bag pick-up arranged by Senior parents.

The Blood Drive from Feb. 19 saw 35 donors, with eight first-time donors and 40 units of blood collected. The potential number of lives saved is 120.

The NYS Art Teachers Association’s 31st Annual Legislative Exhibit is being...


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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