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Speeding Remains High On Osborne Avenue

By Pat Louise

Waterville resident Dan Kemp said when he runs through the village, he often has to wave at drivers.

Kemp, who lives on Osborne Avenue, said his street is particularly troublesome in catching the attention of speeding drivers. The lack of sidewalks all the way up the street and the change in speed limit at the village/Town of Sangerfield line causes a lot of drivers to hit the gas pedal hard when they turn off White Street.

Kemp attended last week’s Waterville Village Board meeting to ask about help in slowing drivers down. He said cars routinely are at 50 mph when they go by his house, which is in the village’s 30 mph limit.

Mayor Gene Ostrander said the data collected by the village’s speed signs show speeding is a problem all over the village. He said he met with someone from the Oneida County Sheriff’s Department who said they would, although understaffed, look to spend an hour a week in Waterville monitoring for speeders.

Money will be in the village’s 2023-24 budget for sidewalk work, but whether that goes to adding them on Osborne is not determined. “Some of the speeding is ridiculous,’’ Ostrander said, mentioning a car that was doing 101 mph when passing one of the signs.

He said the village might be able to move one of its signs near the White Street intersection to show drivers their speed in the 30 mph zone.

At the April 24 meeting a public hearing will be in regards to raising the garbage rates. Ostrander said the garbage collection - which includes twice a week, recycling and monthly trash pickups - has never been fully covered by user fees.

Last year the village ran a deficit of $70,000. The increase per quarter will allow the system to pay for itself.

In other matters, the Board moved $8,153 into the truck equipment budget for the new truck that arrived.

Codes Officer Whitey Brown said he completed the report to the state for 2022. That will allow the village to receive updated state codes books for free. When the report was not done in 2018, 2019 and 2020 - before Brown returned as codes officer - the village had to buy the books.

The Village continues to look for a solution in court with the company hired to renovate and update…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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