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Repairs Continue On Water Leaks In West Winfield

By Anthony Gannon

The Village of West Winfield Board met Monday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the payment of bills.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Dec. 12 meeting minutes.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the Treasurer's report. The Board approved a resolution accepting the Clerk's report.

Village of West Winfield Mayor Jim Thomson said the Board will be holding their budget workshop this week.

Thomson reported leaks are continuing to be repaired in the water system. Water leaking from the system is down about 70,000 gallons per day.

Thomson said he wanted to get a calculation of how much the leaks are costing the Village. The Board held a discussion about repairing the water system, and which locations throughout the Village are prioritized for repairs.

The Board approved a resolution to place a village truck on Auctions International with a starting bid of $15,000.

Codes Officer Mike Connors reported he's been continuing his inspections and working through the Apartment Safety Checklist. Connors suggested making an amendment to a code for a safety requirement not currently mandated.

The Board held a discussion, led by Board member Jim Murphy, about an adjoining property to the Village Fire Hall using Fire Hall property to remove a dumpster. Murphy said he didn't see any issues with allowing…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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